Finding Our Light: A Post-Pandemic Reflection on Rediscovering Joy

We all felt it after Covid - the deep burnout, the disconnection, and the weight of lost inspiration that seemed to blanket us. We told ourselves it was normal, after all, our world had flipped upside down, and everything we thought was stable was gone in an instant.

Yet, there's a beautiful paradox: in that darkness, many found unexpected light. Once the shock faded, tiny sparks of hope began to flicker. This raises an interesting question: did we discover something new or simply reconnect with what was always there? Did we find that playful child within us who had been waiting for us to slow down and notice them?

The pandemic forced us to stop. It shut down the endless rat race we were on, and our nervous systems were confused without that constant drive. But in this pause, something magical happened: we re-centered. We spent quality time with family, rediscovered old hobbies or found new ones, cooked from scratch, and listened to music - really listened. Some even started creating it. Covid didn't just change us; it made us present in a way we hadn't been in years.

Now I ask you: as the world spins back to its dizzying speed, how do you feel? Does that familiar burnout creep back in? Are you back on that hamster wheel, chasing joy but never catching it? If so, pause for a moment. Think back to those endless lockdown days. What light did you find then?

Maybe it was a hobby that brought you peace. Perhaps it was deeper connections with family. Or maybe it was the quiet time for self-reflection that helped you reconnect with yourself. If you feel out of alignment now, your answer might lie in recalling what brought you peace during those tough times.

The pandemic, despite its darkness, gave us a surprising gift: the chance to rediscover what truly matters. If you feel lost in the rush of "normal" life, your path back to joy might be in remembering what you found when the world made you stop.

Remember: you don't need to wait for the world to stop again to find your peace. Those moments of clarity you discovered during the pause? They're still within you. Let them guide you now, today, toward the life you deserve.

I love you,

Speak soon.

The Lightkeeper.


You are Purpose Itself.